Saturday, September 9, 2017

CUSHMAN Low cut Sneakers

Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.

Let me introduce Low cut sneakers from CUSHMAN.

I've bought them for myself and been wearing everyday.

I fell in love at first sight with all white ones.

I know they are pretty expensive, but you can wear them in any season and wear

them for a long time.

As they have heels about 1.2 cm height, even if you wear long length trousers,

you wouldn't have to worry about the hem touching the ground.

when they get dirty, the best way is to wash them with some tooth paste using a

used tooth brush.

"It gives a good taste when they get dirty!", which is also a good opinion.

They are the most comfortable sneakers I've ever worn with very soft and puffy insoles.

They are very good for me to work in the shop.

They are in standard shape like sneakers from CONVERSE, which can go well with

any type of clothes.

Price: 14904 yen

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time...

Friday, September 8, 2017

DALLE'S Calico Shirt

Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.

We have received Calico shirts from DALLE'S.

The remarkable aspect of this calico shirt is a "Detachable collar".

There are 4 patterns are available.

I chose a tailor style button-down and a horizontal collar.


30S CALICO Shirt

Price: 21168 yen

The impression changes a lot by choosing a different collar.

The linen is not dyed.

It is made of different linen fabric from different countries with different characters.

Each of them has different color and it make the stripe pattern.

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time...

JELADO JOHN GLUCKOW Netmaker's Trousers

Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.

Let me introduce Netmaker's trousers from JELADO JOHN GLUCKOW.

To be honest, work pants are not my cup of tea... but when I try them on,

wow! they look so cool!

You might feel the width is too much, but it's the attraction of them!

Price: 28000 yen + tax

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time...

Attractions Wide Tapered Trousers

Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.

Wide pants are popular recently, but if you are the one who feels awkward to wear

wide straight pants, what about trying "Wide tapered" silhouette?


Wide tapered Chino trousers

Khaki beige

Very beautiful silhouette, isn't it?


Wide tapered Denim trousers

The silhouette is wild but not scruffy.

Price: 18144 yen

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time...

The REAL McCOY'S U.S. ARMY Jungle Pack

Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.



Price: 54000 yen

The jungle pack was produced for the Pacific war in 1943.

The fabric is No.8 Canvas, which is very thick and solid.

It is the first camouflage pattern adopted by U.S. ARMY in 1942.

It is called "Frog skin camouflage pattern" and became popular as hunting wear

later. That's why it is also known as "Duck hunter camo".

The fabric was made too much and it was used in the Vietnam war in 20 years time.

"U.S." stencil gives it real atmosphere.

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time...


Thursday, September 7, 2017

JELADO Denim Army Cap

Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.


Denim Army cap

Price: 7344 yen

I washed it once, and the height of the top and the curvy line match perfectly.

I've been wearing it the most recerntly... about 50 % of the week!

Check our website for online shopping

Until next time...

    WANTED: UES Indigo T-Shirt

    Hello everyone! BarnStormer here.

    I haven't bought it for me, though, I'm interested in "After" of it.


    Indigo V-neck T-shirt

    Price: 7992 yen

    I heard that the color would be changed from Dark navy into Sax blue.

    I'd like to see its aging process in hand.

    I really appreciate your cooperation!!

    ... No reward is available. (lol)

    Check our website for online shopping

    Until next time...